AIHTA Mailing

Liebe HTA-Interessierte,


Hiermit erlauben wir uns, Sie auf die folgende Veranstaltung hinzuweisen:

“HTA 2.0 Europe – Teaming Up for Value”
30-31 October, 2014, in Rome, Italy


EUnetHTA is working now as the scientific and technical cooperation of the HTA Network set up under the European Union Directive on Patient Rights in Cross-border Healthcare, and has made substantial progress in network cooperation on HTA.

The HTA Network itself is finalizing a strategy document for the European cooperation on HTA to guide its development for the next years (the document will be presented for endorsement at the HTA Network meeting in Rome on 29 October 2014, a pre-conference event of the HTA 2.0 Europe).  European regulators and HTAs are finding ways to work together and can now show practical results of this.

I would suggest to you to consider coming to the HTA 2.0 Europe – Teaming Up for Europe conference in Rome, Italy, 30-31 October 2014 – not only to learn the latest news on the above-mentioned developments from those who take part in making them happen, but also to share your experience and views, to shape the discussions and collaborative conclusions.

Here is the link to the final programme and speakers of the conference.

The sessions and format of the 2-day conference offer a unique opportunity to learn, interact and influence the discussions – truly making it a collaborative effort in a “2.0” way which is about
• Interaction, collaboration, participation
• Work across silos/borders
• Decentralization via connectivity and interactivity
• Networks as platforms
• Speed and continuous change in everything

Participate in the discussions and encourage others to go as well – hope to see you in Rome!